Honoring the Best in Tech Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Looking Back at the Carnegie Science Awards
For decades, the Western Pennsylvania region has been known as a hub for scientific achievement, thanks in large par to its vast medical presence and its flourishing educational sector (i.e. the “meds and eds” for which the region is noted). And having graduated from its reputation as a “dirty, smoky steel town”, the region’s transformation as a tech business powerhouse has not gone unnoticed by business leaders throughout the country, who perpetually point to the region as an example of how to do things right when it comes to growing a thriving tech culture.
So it’s doubly fitting when those who help lead the charge on both fronts get their day in the sun, (or in this case, evening).
Recently, the Carnegie Science Center, itself a beacon of science and tech located on Pittsburgh’s North Shore, held its 20th annual Carnegie Science Awards ceremony, honoring those who have led the way to ensure that Western Pennsylvania remains a national player when it comes to science and tech innovation.
On this edition of “The Raja Show”, Raja, who knows a little something about being a tech leader in Western Pennsylvania in his own right, will talk with a pair of Western Pennsylvania entrepreneurs who were recently honored at the event.
First, Raja talks with Jorgen Pederson, who, for 15 years, has served as Founder, President and CEO of RE2 Robotics, a Pittsburgh-based robotics company that advances the methodology in which robotic technology can interact in a “real world” setting, through the forms of advanced autonomy capabilities, intuitive human robot interfaces, and an overall mission to make robotic technology more “human” in its functionality. For Jorgen’s efforts, he received the “Start-up Entrepreneur” Award at the Carnegie Science Awards event for 2016.
Next, Raja talks with the winner in the Corporate Innovation category, Josh Knauer of Rhiza, a Pittsburgh-based company that specializes in data analysis and assessment in a way that helps companies make empowered sales and marketing decisions. .
Jorgen and Josh are just two of the many, many entrepreneurs in the Western Pennsylvania region making a difference in the world of tech and innovation, and their recent honor from the Carnegie Science Awards is beyond well-deserved. This show will be a fascinating one for people who want to learn more about what is REALLY happening to move Western Pennsylvania, and by extension, the U.S., forward when it comes to entrepreneurship on a global stage.